
Monday, July 2, 2012

Cards from friends

Happy holiday Monday (and day after Canada Day) to you! Or happy almost 4th of July... or just hello. ;) I thought I'd spend a little part of my extra weekend day sharing a few cards from talented friends. Just for fun, I'm posting them from smallest to tallest. 

There may be a way to make this card cuter, but if there is, I certainly don't know how. It's from my friend and crafting play-date buddy Emily, who is also posting this card today on her blog. Without the tag, this card is just about four inches square. She enlarged a digital stamp and to my amazement, hand-cut it! Love the colours and the little touches of Glossy Accents. Thanks, Em!

This beauty of a card is from Heather. I quite like the irony of her sending ME a thank you card when I'm the one who derives inspiration from her all the time! If you want to know how she created this amazing image, you are in luck, as she wrote an excellent tutorial for this very card. Thank you, Heather!

And finally, this 5" x 7" card from Angela. I'm in love with the little bees, the great colours, but mostly, that amazing die-cut hexagon overlay. Serious Silhouette Cameo envy! (It's a new toy for Ang.) She blogged about this card as part of her Growing in Unity week, But alas, it's too late to comment on her post for a chance to win. ;) Thanks, Ang! 
No card from me today -- summer comes, and my card-making rate goes waaay down. I will be back on Wednesday with the latest installment of Crafty Creations Challenges -- and for me, the emphasis will definitely be on challenge this coming week! 


  1. Aw, thanks for sharing my little card, Linds! I love the beautiful cards from Heather and Ang! They are so awesome. Lucky you! ;)

  2. 3 gorgeous cards! Love how different they all are yet all so very cool. :)

  3. Hey, one of those looks familiar ;)
    Glad you liked it!
    The other two are great -- Heather's is just lovely and elegant (the music is perfect for you!), and Em's? Well, let's just say her new printer has created a (cute!) monster... :)

  4. Awww..I recognize two of the cards! They are so pretty/cute.


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