
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A REAL Challenge!

When I first saw the requirements for the latest Crafty Creations Challenge, I thought I might be in trouble. We have a recipe challenge for you, and here it is:

3 patterned papers
2 buttons
1 ribbon
1 sentiment

THREE patterned papers? BUTTONS? Talk about outside my comfort zone. But after a while, things started to take shape in my mind. Spreading my different papers out all over the place helped. :P Buttons are another thing; I am so not a button person. But there are workarounds if you think outside the box a little. Also, when it comes to cooking, I tend to look on a recipe as a general guideline rather than as an exact prescription, so I applied that to this as well. Put all those things together, and here's what you get:

Strictly speaking, I've exceeded the three-paper requirement -- I never expected that to happen! I used both sides of a Crate Paper calendar sheet for the calendar (duh) and the sentiment panel, a Pink Paislee sheet for the bird image, and what may be Stampin' Up paper for the base. (It was a gift from Ang. As a matter of fact, the other two papers were a gift from Meg.) So that's three. But see that heart-shaped button? Ang made that, and it's backed with, you guessed it, patterned paper! The other "button" is a chipboard one, again from Ang. (Yes, I have some VERY generous friends. :D) Just to round out the whole making-cards-with-donated-supplies, the "happy" sentiment comes from a stamp set I won from my {ippity} chick, Jen. I layered it on chipboard (fine, cereal box cardboard) and popped it up with dimensional tape. The black embroidery floss (that's close enough to ribbon, right?) is from my very own stash, as is the white card base this whole creation is built on. 
If I can fulfill these challenge requirements, you definitely can! Our sponsor this week is Whiff of Joy. Why not see what you can cook up? 

(I'm entering this card into the current Lawnscaping challenge #37, to use dimension.) 

Supplies: white cardstock, Crate Paper, Pink Paislee & Stampin' Up (?) patterned paper, {ippity} A Little Buggy stamp, Colorbox frost white ink, white embossing powder, chipboard button, epoxy button, black embroidery floss, Stampin' Up ticket-corner punch, pop-dot tape


  1. *whine* recipes are hard! lol. I'm so not a cook (probably because I take too many liberties with proportions)...crafty recipes I think I can do ;) I love all the elements you pulled together - the calendar is a fun & funky bit, and the bird is a really cool blend of realistic shape & funky colour. Cool!

  2. Patterned paper?? Yes I vaguely remember using that in the distant past. You have risen to the challenge brilliantly; I love your perfectly ballanced your finished card is bot the colours and the layout.

  3. I usually run screaming from these recipe challenges - I get all overwhelmed! You, however, have rocked it while keeping it totally Lindsay! :)

  4. If they were all in your comfort zone they wouldn't be 'challenges' lol! But you not only followed the recipe, you cooked up a fabulous card!! I love the calendar page and cute paper covered shaped buttons!

  5. LOOOOVE! I love all the papers and the design--you nailed this challenge;)

  6. I'm happy my gifties went to such a good cause -- this card looks less challenging than you claim by far -- it's quite fun! And way to use non-button buttons...I know how you feel about the real thing! ;)

  7. I agree with Jen about running fast and far from a challenge like this! You did it fabulously and this is more than a card. A friend could keep it on their desk every December, every year! I love how you used all your gifted goodies. Way to go on rising to the challenge!

  8. What a fabulous design! So creative! Love the colours.

  9. Pretty!! Love the white happy on the black paper! And the bird image is great as well!
    Hugs, Wendy

  10. Nice work!!!!

    Thanks for joining us at Lawnscaping challenge!

  11. Love this easel and "painting", super collage!

  12. Lovely card! Thank you so much for playing along with us at Lawnscaping! :)

  13. When I read the recipe, I actually laughed out loud since it's so not you (they might as well add a doily and acrylic, too--ha ha). pulled it off and it looks really cool! I love how you used all your gifted items also. :)

  14. Um....WOW!!
    This is incredible! I love the papers you paired together, and those buttons are so fabulous.

  15. You have some generous friends, what fun to get goodies like that. Very nice card!


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