
Sunday, August 15, 2021

Welcome to... A Tiny Craft!

There's a new challenge blog on the inter webs, and we're calling it... A Tiny Craft! Which, by no coincidence at all, has the same initials as Artist Trading Cards/Coins. Originated by my snarky sister, Donna, we are all about the smaller pieces of papercraft. If you're unfamiliar with them, Artist Trading Cards are explained here, but simply, they are 2½ x 3½ inches and used to create little pieces of art that can then be traded. More recently, coins have been added, measuring 2½ inches in diameter. 
To make it easy to join us, our first challenge is ANYTHING GOES! You only need to make one card or coin to join us, but I often make them in multiples. I decided on a music theme: 

I already had these backgrounds made and cut - other than being done on a gel plate with acrylic paint and a stencil, I can't tell you much about them, they've been waiting to be used for so long. I added a variety of stamps and die cuts to them to complete the theme. Here's a closer look at each one: 

Since this is our first challenge, I thought I would also show you how I finish the backs of my ATCs:

And there you have it! ATCs are fun and easy to make. Be sure to check out the work of my talented teammates, Barbara, Chris, Deena, Donna, Lee (joining us next month) and Mimi! I hope you will join us.


  1. Gorgeous backgrounds, (have paints haven't tried it as it looks messy) Great theme, great use of those stamps and music die cuts, love how you put them together and is that a vellum strip with stamps or washi tape? Kudos if it is stamped. Thanks for showing the back, thought of it didn't do it.

  2. Love the musical theme and pretty blue backgrounds!

  3. Such pretty backgrounds! Love the colors and the musical vibe! Well done!

  4. Ohhhhhhhhhhh a series of ATC's!
    Such a smart idea to make multiples!
    I love your musical series :)
    Now that I think of it, I have an ATC background stamp somewhere...somewhere...
    FAB ATCs for our first challenge sistah!!


Thanks for visiting!