
Thursday, July 2, 2020

Seize the Birthday: Red, White & Blue

It's a Seize the Birthday Thursday! Our newest challenge comes courtesy of team member JoAnn: RED, WHITE and BLUE. No idea why those colours would have popped into her mind. ;) July 4th related or not, these are colours I'm always happy to work with. Here's my take:

Isn't it strange how my gingham background stamp is now stained blue, while my card background is red? Obviously the blue one did not make me happy. I do like how the red turned out with the blue accents. As I was deciding what my focal point would be, I came across the navy die cut circle and thought it was ideal. (It's a paint chip!) Astonishingly, I had a circle die just the right size to back it with white. I thought the casual font style of the sentiment worked well with the gingham panel. 
So. My card was finished. Looking at it, it seemed somehow familiar. And then a light bulb went on:

While I don't happen to own this cookbook, I've certainly seen it many times. Fun! 
Since this is the first time using my gingham stamp, I'm adding it to the newest NBUS challenge. 

We have invited a new surprise party guest for July and August, my buddy Jen! She and the regular birthday party crew have lots of inspiration to encourage you to play along! 

Supplies: Neenah white cardstock, large navy paint chip, Concord & 9th gingham background & Stampin' Up Birthday Wishes stamps, Catherine Pooler rockin' red & Brilliance Mediterranean blue ink, Birch Press Design Epiphany & Spellbinders circle die


  1. Love this fabulous birthday card, and your nod to that famous old time cookbook.

  2. Spotted this beauty at NBUS - just love that red gingham and, yes, I recognize that old cookbook (my Mom has one!). So great with the blue mandala atop the gingham!

  3. Super card, love the gingham and although I don't have that particular cookbook I remember it, we are a 5 roses family.

  4. Fabulous copy of the cookbook :) -- love that red gingham

  5. Love your card Lindsey. Red gingham is always good, and it is a great copy of the cookbook.

  6. Love your card and the inspiration. I actually have that cookbook and use it often. Mine’s about 40 years old now.

  7. Hahaha! Laughing at your post as I gave me white a grin. Your card is amazing and does look like the cookbook, but I wouldn't have known if you didn't bring it to our attention. Sometimes things just fall into place like your card did.

  8. Hahaha! You have just basically used the concept of my other challenge blog, The Library! Maybe I will steal your book idea. I love seeing the red, white and blue combo in cards that aren't nautical or patriotic , and this is a great one.

  9. My age is showing because as soon as I clapped eyes on your card, Lindsey, I thought of my well-loved Better Homes cookbook! (I always call it Betty Crocker, even though I know better!) I love your design with the new gingham stamp and how you designed your HB sediment focus pocus. And I have to say, I also love that bright blue peeking from behind! Keep well and thank you for sharing with everyone at NBUS! Hugs, Darnell

  10. I guess the card just brought itself together..even with the mystery of the red ink blue stain!! :D
    Its such a wonderful card - I absolutely LOVE the look of the red gingham!! Amazing how it looks like the cookbook too! :)

  11. Love the red gingham with the touch of blue and what a great take on the cookbook! Cathy x

  12. Bahahaha! Love that it reminded you of the cookbook we all had in our homes growing up. Your card came out great! That gingham stamp is going to have lots of use! Love it! HUGS!

  13. Lol! How funny that you accidentally CASEd the Better Homes cookbook! Hooray for die cuts that are right there when you need them especially when they play so nicely with other sets. I love the font on the sentiment too. Thanks for having me as Surprise Party Guest for the summer!

  14. The red gingham is so pretty! The blue accent and red sentiment look great on it! I think the blue stained stamp works well as a backdrop for your fabulous card :)!

  15. Love that gingham background, and how great that your dies matched up for the topping :)

  16. Love everything about your card, especially that it resembles the cookbook that resides at my mom's house! I'll need to rescue it at some point, purely for its nostalgic value, rather than the recipes...on account of I'm cooking-challenged!

  17. So bold and fabulous! I don't think I would have put gingham with that die cut but it totally works! Great inspiration piece - you rocked this challenge.

  18. your take on the inspiration photo! So fun and very festive.

  19. Love this super festive.Jumped right out at NBUS.


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