
Monday, November 7, 2011

A Card from Angela!

I've been remiss in not showing off this gorgeous card I received from Angela

You can read about what Angela used to make this card here. (And if you haven't before, you really should visit her blog!) I really like the background stamped squirrels and that the acorn caps just happen to be in my favourite colour. ;) Angela sent me this to thank me for the birthday card I sent her, and included a few more of the squirrels stamped just for me, and a couple of the amazing medallions she makes out of washi tape. So I could send Ang a thank you card for this, but then she might feel obligated to send a card to me to thank me for the card, and... maybe I'll wait till closer to Christmas. 
Wednesday will be my second post for Crafty Creations Challenges, and you still have some time to enter the current colour challenge


  1. Angela's card is SOOOOOO cute! That is so sweet of her to send you some RAK!

  2. Angela's card is cute! I have been wracking my brain on how to use purple, green, silver ...and add snow to it ... it is the snow that is getting me tripped up!!!

  3. What a super cute card! I love the background she created :) Off to visit and tell her so! Love the new blog look too :)

  4. Aw, shucks, Linds -- you're too kind! And if you send a thank you card for a thank you card, I think we might create a black hole of card sending! (Which maybe wouldn't be a bad thing. Or not.)

    Thanks again, and have fun getting ready for your next challenge post!

  5. oh the joys of happy mail! a beautiful card she made!

  6. Love the fun nuts all in a row and the background of squirrels! What a neat thank you card to recieve from Angela.

    Thanks for posting it for us to see. :)Peggy

  7. Heehee, when I saw this on Ang's blog, I was a teensy bit jealous that I didn't get a squirrel card! :P It's sooo cute!


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