
Friday, September 30, 2011

End of September Friends with Flair!

How can it possibly be the last day of September? Personally, I have no idea. But it is, and it's also Friday, so it's time for Unity Friends with Flair.

As soon as I saw this Itty Bitty stamp, I knew I, um, needed it. There are so many things you could do with this image, but for this card, I kept it simple. Inked and embossed the image in red, cut it out, and popped it up on red and then black. This card is definitely clean and simple (CAS) so I'm throwing it into the latest challenge at Crafty Creations, which is exactly that: clean and simple creations. And how can I resist entering the Simon Says Stamp Anything Goes challenge?
Any plans for World Card Making Day tomorrow? I'm hoping!

Supplies: white, black & Stampin' Up real red cardstock, Unity silhouette song bird stamp, Colorbox cranberry ink, Ranger rich red embossing powder, pop dot tape


  1. it is beautiful in its simplicity!

  2. So beautifully CAS, Lindsey! I love that cardinal. :)

  3. I like the CAS of this card. Very pretty.

  4. Gorgeous! I love the red-and-whiteness with that tiny border of black. Oh, it's holiday time already!

    I'm hoping to get all kinds of craftiness on this weekend -- I hope you do, too.

  5. Love this rich red bird image. The collage is absolutely beautiful Lindsey! Fine work. :)Peggy

  6. OHHH! I just love this simple card--but it's packed with pow with that bold red color! LOVE this stamp!

  7. So pretty, I love this stamp too. maykbe I'll use mine one of these days. Your card is gorgeous!

  8. Beautiful card. The embossing makes it look classy.

  9. lovely card. this would make a great holiday card.

  10. Very nice card. I love the embossing on it. :)

  11. This is so gorgeous in red! Love it!

  12. This is just BEAUTIFUL! I love the red and white! Gorgeous!

  13. september flew by! lovely card!

  14. what a great card! The black adds so much!

  15. This is absolutely stunning in its simplicity, Lindsey! What a perfect way to showcase this stamp!

  16. Absolutely gorgeous! That stamp looks so pretty in red. :)

  17. I should have bought this stamp when it was at such a good price!!! LOVE what you did with it.

  18. This is pretty, Lindsey! The bird looks amazing in the bright red! love it! Good to hear you also had a lovely trip, where did you go?
    Hugs, Wendy

  19. The red and white looks so lovely and the combination of notes and a bird is a very sweet stamp.

  20. I think I need it too! LOL! Gorgeous layering - it really lets the deign shine!

    And I'm pretty sure you can CASE a CASE - if not. I'm in trouble!

  21. I adore your simple take! I ♥LOVE simple. :) Perfect red on crisp white, says Christmas to me.

  22. You completely rocked this card, Lindsey! I love the single color and how you popped it. How do you get such clean embossing? You must share your secrets ;) Your card is really stunning!!

  23. Thanks for playing along in our CAS birthday challenge at Crafty Creations - what a great image! cheers Claire x

  24. This is a WOW card. It's simple and totally gorgeous!


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