
Friday, November 27, 2020

25 Days of Christmas Tags: The Wrap-Up

You have a few days left to join the fun at the 25 Days of Christmas Tags, hosted by Tracey McNeely! My work for the event is done, but just for fun, here's what almost a month's worth of tags looks like, 77 to be exact! 

Some days I made one tag; other days I made 12! Altogether, 77 of them. Will I give 77 gifts this year? No. Will I run out of colour-coordinated tags before I'm finished wrapping presents? Quite likely. :D I may give some of the tag sets away to friends, as well. 
As a challenge to myself, I also made a card every day of the Tag event. And here they are! 

While some days it was a bit stressful to get a card made on top of doing my tags, I'm glad I did this, as I am now 26 cards to the good for my holiday stash. 
Remember you still have almost a week to participate in the tag event, by making tags inspired by the tags you've seen, by commenting on designers' tag posts, or both! And in the meantime, I have some cards to make. ;) 


  1. Well done! And all this is while keeping up your other DT commitments, Jo x

  2. Wow! You are amazing! Lot's of tags and cards as a bonus. Way to go!

  3. OH MY GOODNESS!!!! You are so amazing...just love all your fabulous tags, all 77 of them! And your cards are simply wonderful too, just a bit jealous that you are so ahead of the game!!!

  4. I'm sorry I couldn't comment on them all, but wow, just wow!!! I did read each day. What a beautiful and delightful assortment of tags! I can't believe you were able to make so many and then cards to boot!!!

  5. It is a really impressive assembly...all those wonderful tags and cards. What a great idea to take a picture of them all together.

  6. WOW! Tags are one monumental task, but the addition of a daily card really sets the bar high! Cheering your accomplishment! I am over 26 tags to the good and 'maybe' 10 accompanying cards. Maybe...


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