
Thursday, August 16, 2018

Anything Goes at Seize the Birthday!

It's Anything Goes time at Seize the Birthday! If it's a birthday card, come and link up with us. 
Since it's an Anything Goes challenge, I thought it was time to bring out my snarky birthday side...

Bwahaha! I loved this sheet of journaling-style images so much... I paid full price for it! If you know me, you'll know that's quite rare. :D I found some coordinating Stampin' Up patterned paper, and my card came together very quickly. I could have added some embellishments, but I didn't want to take away from that main image. 
It never hurts to have a few extra birthday cards on hand, so why not come and play along with us? For more inspiration, be sure to check what the rest of the design team made (their cards are all so sweet and pretty! :P) including our current surprise party guest, Trina

Supplies: white cardstock, Authentique Party & Stampin' Up (?) patterned paper, MFT diagonal stitched die, foam tape


  1. How cheeky!! I'd totally love to meet this lady, just to listen to her! Totally love it!! :D

  2. LOLOLOL! Fun card! Things are less than calm in my neck of the crafting and blog surfing is being neglected! So I apologize for my absence and lack of dropping by! Thank goodness I work ahead! Cyber hugs!

  3. OH Man! The look on her face is to die for. Love it! Did you color her up, quite the job, my friend? I love your snarky side. Also, thanks for the great comment that you left on my card for this challenge.

  4. HA! I know a few people who would love this card! To fun

  5. So fun! You paired the perfect pattern paper with thi meg. Great card! x

  6. Great image and fun snarky sentiment, Lindsey!


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