
Saturday, July 28, 2018


Like many crafters, our Edna does manage to collect a lot of STUFF. And that leads us to the brand new Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers challenge, J is for JUNK! To be more specific, we are asking you to recycle/upcycle some otherwise non-craft item and incorporate it into your card or other project. 
I have a basket in my craft stash where I keep items I have found and think might come in handy someday for making a card. We all do, right? No? Anyway, I sorted through my take-out coffee bands, pieces of greeting cards, and what have you until I came across a piece of decorative tissue paper I really have had for years. I kept it thinking it could make a lovely vintage-style card, but hey, we are the snarky stampers after all... 

I started by spotlighting the wine glass with a little Copic marker colour. As it says to do in all the tissue tutorials, I then crumpled it up, smoothed it out a bit and adhered it to some white cardstock. (I often think that half the techniques we stampers think are so terrific just leave the civilians scratching their heads. In this case, wrinkled paper, really? :D) From there it was a quick task to add a black mat (also recycled! It comes from some junk mail that just happened to come on lovely matte black stock), stamp and emboss an appropriate sentiment on the card base, and put it all together. I also added a little gloss to the wine glass to make it pop more. 
Oh look, it's an Anything Goes week currently at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge. :) 
I hope you'll head over to the Snarky blog to see the creations of the rest of the sisters and our current Queen, Janet. Consider this a chance to use up a few items from your *junk* stash and come join us! 

Supplies: white, American Crafts textured cream & recycled black cardstock, tissue paper, Hampton Arts LOL wine stamp, Versafine onyx black ink, Ranger clear embossing powder, Copic marker, Glossy Accents



  1. This is fabulous, Lindsey! Never tried this technique before - must give it a go, Jo x

  2. Gorgeous! Love the way you've arranged the image so that wine glass is slap bang in the middle.
    I wonder if our penchant for wrinkling tissue comes from the fact that if you try to use it dead flat and keep it smooth it either tears or wrinkles itself anyway, so we all tell ourselves it's deliberate and give it a bit of help?

  3. This is TISSUE PAPER?!!! Holy cheerful cherubs Batman! This is all sorts of amazing!

  4. Seeeeeee this is why we don't throw shite out!!
    Whoda thunk a piece of tissue paper would have turned into such a freakin' awesome card!!
    Fab job sistah!!!
    UGH I have sooooooooooooo many coffee / tea sleeves, lol I have no idea when / if I will ever use them all!

  5. Hahaha, I think you're right about the scratching the head. Well I think this turned out fantastic!! I love the gloss that you added to the wine glass. Thanks so much for joining us for the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday challenge.

  6. Really lovely card great use your label.


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