
Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Muse: ChristmasVisions

Yep, I'm adding another design team to my cardmaking resumé! I am joining the talented group at Muse: ChristmasVisions. If you're not already familiar with this "Christmas Card Club", the concept is a simple one. Every two weeks, a Christmas or winter themed card is offered by one of the designers as an inspiration for you to make a project of your own. We also ask you, if you enter, to pick three other people's entries to add a positive comment to — because who doesn't appreciate supportive feedback? At the end of the two weeks, you are invited back to the blog to vote for your favourite three entries! What a great way to get ahead on a stash of festive cards before the crazy season begins. (Last year, I took a sabbatical from year-round Christmas card making. In December, that sabbatical seemed like a crazy idea. 😂)
It's not yet my turn to be your Christmas card *muse*, but I do hope to pop back soon with my own take on today's inspiration by fellow designer, Kimberly Wiener. In the meantime, I hope you'll check out Muse: ChristmasVisions and be inspired, too! 


  1. Welcome to the team! Glad to have you with us!

  2. Well, aren't you the crafty one! Congrats to you!! Until now, I didn't know Muse had a blog just for Christmas cards. I just followed and signed up for emails. Thanks for that!

  3. Hoooooray that you are joining us!!!

    I ADORE your Introduction, and DELIGHTED to have you on the team! I can't wait to see your glowing inspirations!!!!

  4. Congratulations! I had a feeling this announcement was coming and you'd be joining Muse! Well done you, Jo x


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