
Saturday, December 27, 2014


And here we are, somehow at the very last Saturday of 2014. And that also means the last 2014 challenge at the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers

Yes, we are calling on the letter Y this time, and it stands for YUCK: use something you don't like. Seems rather strange, doesn't it? Yet it seems most of us have something in our supplies that doesn't really grab us, whether it's a paper that came in an assortment or a stamp in a set. Let me show you my card, and see if you can guess what qualifies:

Ready? It's... the buttons. Fine on other people's cards, but YUCK for me. Don't even particularly like handling them. So I knew right away they would make an appearance for this challenge. A secondary yuck is the sentiment of the otherwise fine blueprint stamp... it's a little on the smarmy side for me. Not that I'm saying I prefer to be snarky all the time... or maybe I am. ;) Otherwise, I am quite happy with my supplies, including the cream cardstock that was a gift from my crafting friend, Heather
If you've now recovered from any holiday festivities you may have been enjoying, why not come and play along with us? Perhaps you received some less-than-ideal crafting goodies as a gift. Be sure to check out the allegedly YUCK creations -- but not really -- of my sisters and this week's guest designer, Veerle

Supplies: Cougar ivory cardstock, My Mind's Eye Miss Caroline Dilly Dally patterned paper, Tim Holtz/Simon Says Stamp blueprint stamp, Memento teal zeal & tuxedo black inks, Paper Smooches stitched, Simon Says Stamp postage stamp edge & Spellbinders Pagemaps potpourri dies, black thread


  1. Awesome job, love the card and the buttons. your yuck looks good to me.

  2. Just as Barb said, your yuck looks good to me too! Fantabulous card, Lindsey!

  3. I knew as soon as I saw your card it was buttons!! Thanks for the shout out and I'm glad you were able to use the cardstock...on a yucky card nonetheless LOL ;-) Nice card though and you are "sew special"

  4. You don't like buttons?! Gasp! Well, for not liking them, you sure did a great job with this sweet card. :)

  5. LOL! I nearly died laughing while reading your post, Linds! :D I agree that buttons are cute everywhere else. Your card turned out beautifully regardless!

  6. I don't particularly care for the blueprint style stamps myself (I know, I know!) but buttons....well, good thing we have plenty else in common ;)

  7. I am with ya on the buttons, don't get me wrong, I LOVE them, but they never seem to look right on my cards...and ya, that stamp is not nearly snarky enough sistah! Maybe if it said "You are sew annoying" LOL
    Long live the YUCK!

  8. Hi Lindsey,
    Belated Christmas greetings; life was busy right up until Christmas and has kept on that way! I agree with you on that sentiment; it's a bit much. Your pretty blue and green card however, is not yuck at all.
    I hope 2015 is a wonderful year for you,

  9. But you still have buttons to pull out when you need to! I have a tiny jar of those things buried somewhere in my craft room, just in case. You have made a fine card out of yuck!

  10. Love your card...I do like buttons and blueprint stamps too! Not yucky! I agree with Donna on using "annoying" instead of "special". I do like buttons, blueprint stamps too.

  11. You and my cat would get along fine. He finds buttons morally offensive and will try to bite them off your clothes.

    That's an interesting card and the buttons fit the design so well, but I'm not a big fan of them myself (not on league with you and Jack though). I don't understand why people want to put so much bulk on their cards.


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