
Saturday, October 4, 2014

An Iconic Post

Saturday and The Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers are at it again! We are already up to our 18th challenge -- time flies when you're being snarky -- and it should be a fun one:

I is for ICONIC! As always, Edna knows just the perfect way to usher in the challenge. We are looking for an iconic PERSON, PLACE or THING. I had lots of ideas (Eiffel Tower, Mickey Mouse, Winnie-the-Pooh...), but ended up going with one of my favourite sets...

For the non-geeks in the audience, this is the timey-wimey Tardis, in which Doctor Who, companion by his side, travels through time and space. So although my card showcases an iconic thing, it does also manage to hint at a person (the Doctor) and a place (the universe!) at the same time. I almost used another sentiment, "You never forget your first doctor", but somehow this one seems to have slightly snarkier implications if you bend your mind the right way. ;) The space background was made by pressing distress ink pads onto a piece of butcher paper (my low-rent version of a non-stick craft mat), spritzing with water, and pressing my paper into the inky result. Once that was dry, I sprayed with shimmery mist and waited some more. Finally I mixed a bunch of glitter into some embossing paste to stencil the subtle stars. This closeup shows them a bit better: 

All the drying time gave me a chance to stamp my Tardis, also in distress ink. Then, using a technique I picked up on the Stretch Your Stamps class, I pulled the ink in from the stamped outline to shade the image. (I thought if it had worked for flowers, it should work for this.) 
Need more ideas? Check out the great inspiration from my sisters as well as our latest Queen of Snark and guest designer, Lynn! I hope you'll join us with your own iconic creation! 
By the way... HAPPY WORLD CARD MAKING DAY!!! What a great excuse to make some cards. :D 

Supplies: white & black card stock, Strathmore multimedia paper, Viva Las VegaStamps Plate 925 stamps, faded jeans & chipped sapphire distress & Memento tuxedo black inks, Dreamweavers translucent embossing paste, Stampin' Up Dazzling Diamonds glitter, Simon Says Stamp Falling Stars stencil, pop-dot tape


  1. Ohhhh fabby card all over sister! Love the background, the timey-wimey tardis and the sentiment!! Great job!!

  2. Lovely card Linds. I really love the background.

  3. Cool background! Love your card...even more since the Tardis is one of my favorite icons! I'd have to say my favorite Doctor wasn't my first, but rather David Tennant!

  4. Great background, super card for the challenge.

  5. Love the background. You've inspired me, but I can't find my embossing paste yet. Love the background.

  6. My mind is totally bending the right way! lol
    I don't even know which part I like better - the AMAZING background (those stars! MWAH!) or the fab way you shaded the Tardis! lovelovelove it :)
    Also, I wonder if parchment paper would work as a nonstick mat? OMG. I never thought of that!

  7. I am blown away at the magnificence of this card, Lindsey! That background, the glittery stars, the Tardis with your amazing shading skillz! Perfection!

  8. This is fabulous, Lindsey. We are definitely Doctor Who fans at our house and are currently re-watching a few seasons from 2004-5.

    Your background colours and tardis angle are perfect. I had to look up the set to see what else was it it. How very, very cool!

  9. Ooh, I still haven't purchased that stamp yet. I feel online shopping coming on! Love the shading. I will have to play around with that method now that you have shared your secret. Great card!

  10. Those itty bitty stars are so pretty in the background, and I love the item you chose for your iconic symbol! Great idea, fun card too!


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