
Friday, September 26, 2014

It's a Snarky Rubber Dance Hop!

The Snarky Sisters have found our people!
There is a one woman company, Rubber Dance Art Stamps, in far off Norway that speaks our language. I don't mean English. I mean SNARK! She makes a whole rubber plate of snark! This divine product of snarkitude must be shared, and we have accepted that challenge.

The plate is called "Sarcasm Superpowers" and it is obviously perfect for our Sisterhood. We want to share this awesomeness with you, so we our hosting our first blog hop, The Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers First Annual Spectacular September Snark Off Blog Hop
Here are the hop rules.
Leave a comment on each blog, beginning with my snarky sister Lee
, and ending with Rubber Dance's very own Bibi.
You have until September 28th at 11:55pm to complete the hop.

Here is the entire hop list for you to enjoy:
Lindsey (You. are. here.)
(If any of the above links aren't working, you will also find the hop list back at the mother ship, the Snarky Sisters blog.) 

We will use some sort of free computer tool to pick a random winner and announce it on Wednesday, Oct 1. After all, what's a blog hop without a prize? And we have a plate of "Sarcasm Superpowers" for one lucky commenter. 

And finally, a card...
So many excellent sentiments -- which to use? I decided on the perfect one to use as a snarky birthday card for a somewhat stressed-out person:

When I mentioned this sentiment to my always-practical husb, he remarked that people don't really use lemons with tequila, they use limes. And that is how my inside sentiment was born...

Thanks to Google, I was also able to watermark a Patron logo in the background. Seemed only appropriate. 
Enjoy this early, snarky start to your weekend! Have fun on the hop and good luck! 

Supplies: white & American Crafts textured green cardstock, Echo Park Dots and Stripes patterned paper, Rubber Dance Art Stamps Sarcasm Superpowers stamps, Paper Smooches Free Spirits & Recipe for Success stamps, Versafine onyx black, Memento dandelion & Hero Arts neon green inks, Zing clear embossing powder, pop-dot tape


  1. Ohhhhhh fab card Lindsey!!! I love love love that you watermarked a patron label in the background of the inside - now I am going to have "Aw Naw" by Chris Young in my head all afternoon LOL

  2. Lindsey.. GREAT CARD - wonderful colors! and I agree... Limes are it!

  3. Wonderful card Lindsey! And I also agree and say cheers!!!

  4. Yours stamps are very interesting, so pretty and like me so much. laura vilas en Santiago de Compostela. EspaƱa

  5. Thank you for making this cool card for the hop! I had no idea about the limes, never tried that in place of lemons ..., or maybe I forgot ... arrg, let's blame it on the tequila! Always.
    So happy to hear that you love my Sarcasm stamps! :-D

  6. Nice touch with the watermark...AWESOME card!

  7. This would be perfect for a party invite. I like the watermark idea too :o)

  8. I just love this blog hop and your card is gorgeous, such a fun idea and I have many tequila loving friends who would love a card like that!

  9. Love the card. Personally, I think Tequila with 'anything' works, but I love your inside just completes the card so well :-)

  10. Wow, I like what you made out of this saying!

  11. From me younger days I remember sucking on a lemon after my tequila shots. Of course it was the seventies and The Mad Hatter served them for a quarter on Tuesday nights. But then, I'm not sure I truly remember anything from the seventies. Awesome card! I do use limes in my tequila shots anymore!

  12. Ha, that stamp set is FABULOUS!!! I love how you lined up the lemons and featured that fun sentiment. Brilliant card!

  13. Clever, bright and edgy! Those sentiments are a scream and I love your additional line on the inside.

  14. Awe when you pour our drinks call and I'll be right over....tfs...and WTG with the HOP!!!

  15. LOL! I love the front of the card but I love the inside more!

  16. might be a dbl post but i dont want to miss out! Gives me a second chance to say how this card makes me pucker with snarky fun!

  17. Awesome! Love your sassy or shall I say Snarky

  18. Hell, I'll take tequila with ANYTHING! LOL Love this and that Patron label is genius! xxD

  19. The inside sentiment is just pure brilliance! And omg, the Patron logo! Love it :)

  20. Such a fun card, love the stamping!

    Warm hugs

  21. Love that one quote led to another! That lime and lemon combo is fab - I can almost taste the tequila! x


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