
Thursday, May 15, 2014

Something Different

Happy Thursday! I thought I'd pop in and share something I recently crafted... but not from paper: 

Yes, it's a SPOCK monkey! Oops, is my nerdy side showing? ;) Yep, Star Trek fan here. And with my nephew's firstborn arriving a few months ago, I had to make this. I saw one in a store, but where's the fun in that? And then I wouldn't have discovered there's an entire book dedicated to Star Trek crafts. In case you are starting to worry, I didn't actually run out and buy it; just borrowed a copy from the library. At the beginning, it's just like making a regular sock monkey, not that I'd ever made one before:

That's an ear sitting beside him. :D The ears aren't quite shaped the way I would have liked them, but I think they get the idea across. I also didn't want Spock to be scary, so kept the classic eyebrows thin and short, hoping he wouldn't look too angry. 
I'm not abandoning paper for socks anytime soon, but making my Spock Monkey was a lot of fun! 

P.S. There's a day and a bit to go in the current Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers challenge. If you have Mother's Day cards still to post, or want to really get a jump on next year, please join us! Saturday sees the start of our next challenge... and it's a good one. ;) 


  1. Lindsey, he is superb!I love his expression! We had our first hot day today so it looks like winter (and maybe spring?) is well behind us. Despite my little festival on the blog I haven't actually visited the tulip festival yet. I keep thinking that it would be good to get up early and take photos but each morning I roll over and go back to sleep!

  2. Linds! I so love this! I think the expression is perfect, and his little "uniform" is dead-on. What a fab, funny idea!

  3. OMG, this is quite possibly the funniest monkey I've ever seen! Those EARS! I just love it. You really can't beat the punny name either. (see, I care. bahahaha!)
    This probably wins the prize for most awesome baby gift ever :) That should be a thing.

  4. Hee! Hee! Thank you SO much. I needed a laugh after the day I had--and SPOCK monkey did just that. I just LOVE this. Wish I could see him in person. I'm just now getting your blog feed, but this came at the perfect time. Love the name also. You are a riot!

  5. Come on!!! SPOCK monkey????
    I have a massive sock monkey collection and my nephew is Star Trek obsessed...this is so freakin cool!! You are awesome and talented in ways we don't even know about sister!!

  6. Absolutely adorable! You are multi-talented for sure...I can't even sew on a button ;)

  7. Bwahahaha! This is genius!!! Love his little shirt and perfect eyebrows! And seriously - a whole book of Star Trek crafts? The world is an amazing place...


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