
Saturday, March 8, 2014

P is for...

Paddy! With St. Patrick's Day on its way, the new challenge at the Sisterhood of the Snarky Stampers is all about the excuse to drink celebration of all things Irish. Here is my contribution:

Ireland and Guinness, a hard to beat pairing! And I have long loved these classic Guinness advertisements. The little shamrocks I stamped on the green panel are a bit... abstract, but I hope in context they get the idea across. To add a little subtle snark, the inside sentiment reads "Isn't every day?" 
Confession: I don't even drink beer. Leaves more for everyone else, and more wine for me! :D
Now it's your turn. Check out what my sisters in snark have created, including our first Queen of Snark winner and this week's guest designer Donna! Then enter your project for a chance to earn our fabulous winner badge and a guest designer spot! 

Supplies: white & Stampin' Up pear pizzazz cardstock, white photo paper, Creative Imaginations Signature Collection dots and stripes warm patterned paper, Simon Says Stamp Big Holiday Wishes heart stamp, Guinness clipart, Versamark ink, pop-dot tape


  1. Mmmmmmmmmm are a sister after my own heart!!! Love love love this card and I love your stamped shamrockies :)

  2. I'm with you, hon! No beer for me. We civilized folk drink the fruit of the vine. Still love the card and fabby little shamrocks, though. xxD

  3. Love this card. Hubby is Irish and he drinks beer, I don't. I already have his St. Patty's card done, otherwise I would have CAS'd yours. Maybe next year...he certainly isn't getting two of them from me!!

  4. Oeh, pretty bird as well! Love this style of advertising as well and great to see how you used it on your card! Like it!! Hugs, Wendy

  5. I drink beer, but you know my preferred beverage is wine!! LOL! That being said, I LOVE your card! That image is awesome, but what makes it even more so is the inside sentiment! LOVE!!!

  6. LOL, love this card, Linds! I've seen just about everything now, with a beer balanced on the pelican's beak. :P

  7. Your secret confession is safe with me. I joke about drinking beer all the time but the reality is I'd make a lousy beeraholic being allergic to hops 'n all. Fun card and I love the extra added inside saying.

  8. That is an awesome ad and makes for an awesome card!

  9. Thanks for your great comment on my blog. So glad I found this challenge! I love that you used that great Guinness ad on your fabulous card! Perfect take on P is for Paddy!

  10. This is a great card, especially when opening it and finding that fun sentiment inside! I don't drink beer either - I can't handle it! Can't handle wine either, so I'll just nurse my water bottle to celebrate :)


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