
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Year of the Dragon

The Chinese New Year was celebrated this week! (Monday, to be exact.) It supposedly also marks the beginning of the spring season, although the weather here at the moment would beg to differ. We have now entered the Year of the Dragon, which just happens to follow the Year of the Rabbit -- that's me! While I do have bunny stamps, I am lacking in the dragon department, so went very traditional for my New Year card:

For me, one of the neat things about this card is that much of it is made with things I have won! The lanterns are part of a Black Leaf Design Solutions digital set I won on the DYSU challenge blog. They are paper-pieced with some My Mind's Eye paper I won from my friend, Meg. And the twine the lanterns are hanging from is one of five colours of twine I won from the Ribbon Carousel Challenge! (Yay, me! Granted, these wins took place over quite a stretch of time.) For the little dragon medallion, I went back to my teacher roots and found the image on I did manage to supply the red and white cardstock all by myself.
The Simon Says Stamp Challenge is calling to me to link this card! And since the Year of the Dragon is supposed to be one of extra good fortune, here's hoping! 

Supplies: white and Stampin' Up real red cardstock, My Mind's Eye Life of the Party Lime Twist patterned paper, Black Leaf Design Solutions Festive Chinese Lanterns digital image, gold gel pen, black baker's twine, dimensionals


  1. Whoop whoop for winning stuff!! That MME paper is perfect for those lanterns and I love that dragon medallion. Scholastic rocks. :)

  2. Lovely card and the images are great
    x catherine

  3. OHHH! This is perfect for the new year! LOVE that you used pieces that you have won!! I am a hoarder--and you've inspired me to break open those giveaway packages and USE them up! LOL!

  4. AWESOME card! I love the papers you used on thos lanterns...Great card for new years :)

  5. This is SO Gorgeous!! Love the pretty red lanterns and that cool dragon!! I didn't make any CNY cards this year...was too busy baking ;) Have a great day, Lindsey!!

  6. What another cool CAS card! The little dragon is a hoot...what a great way to find a stamp--LOL! I love the lanterns, too!

  7. Ooooh, great CNY card! Love that you used all your winnings stash! Very cool.

  8. A winning card made from winnings -- perfect. Love those lanterns, and way to rock the teacher clip-art in a very un-teacher way...not a laminator in sight!

  9. Thanks for this awesome card, Linds! It seems that all your winnings came in handy. ;)

  10. So festive and cheery--perfect Chinese New Year Card. My kids LOVE Chinese new year as they get to have their red envelopes! You have used your winning goodies so fabulously!


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