
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Crafty Creations Challenges Guest Designer!

Haute Autumn button

I'm very excited to be guest designing at Crafty Creations Challenges for the month of November! I was so honoured when Peggy wrote to ask if I would play along with the talented crafters there. Their challenges are always original and inspiring, so be sure to check them out!
This week's challenge is to use green, purple, silver... and snow! Snow can be interpreted any way you wish. I picked a super-cute image from this week's sponsor, Stretch N' Bubbles.

I knew right away I wanted to paper-piece the little birds. I second-guessed that decision more than once while cutting and gluing teeny-tiny bodies and wings, but I persevered. :P (Note to self: remember next time to colour BEFORE paper-piecing, even if really excited about it.) I also paper-pieced the snowman's accessories, framing the scene in the same paper. The silver gets into the mix from the snowman's hatband and the strings the birds have their little presents and ornaments hanging from. It took me a while to decide how I wanted to achieve the snow element of the challenge (well, besides the fact that, yes, he's a SNOWman). Eventually, I embossed some snowflakes onto cardstock then made them shine with Smooch spritz. Here's a closeup:

I debated adding a sentiment, but decided I liked the scene as it was. I also thought about adding some colour to the sky or some shading to the snowman, but knew the odds of messing the whole thing up were just too high. :P 
Be sure to check out Crafty Creations Challenges to see the rest of the design team's beautiful work! I hope you're inspired to create something for this week's challenge!

Supplies: white cardstock, Karen Foster Designs Shades of Purple & My Mind's Eye Lime Twist Life of the Party patterned papers, Stretch N' Bubbles feed the birds digital stamp, Prismacolour pencils, Cuttlebug snowflake embossing folder, vanilla Smooch spritz, black diamond Stickles, silver gel pen


  1. Hi Lindsey, awwwww....isn't this just plain adorable now! You got that scene picture perfect my friend. We are all honoured in turn to have you as our guest designer. We love your work and now alot more peeps will have a peek at it too! Love all the precious elements to your card. Paper piecing the birds!!! I would have loved to see that. But yeah, quite an ordeal for sure. Your paper piecing is fabulous though. :)

    Thank you for accepting the task for the whole november month. It is a busy one with Christmas right around the corner.


  2. Congrats on your guest designer position...This is an awesome first card! That snowman is super cute and I love the embossed snow he's sitting on...Also super impressed by your painstaking task of the itty bitty paper piecing :)

  3. Fabulous card Lindsey!! I love that you painstakingly paper pieced the birds and other elements of the snowman! Beautifully done! The shimmer embossed 'snow' is lovely too! We are so happy to have you joining us at Crafty Creations this month!! I hope you enjoy your time with us!

  4. This is fabulous! The image is adorable! I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who attempts crazy tiny paper piecing! I love the sparkly embossed strip at the bottom. I'm always trying to come up with different and interesting ways to ground images and this one rocks!

  5. Well, I'll did paper piece the birds!!!! LOL, you got me for sure my dear. I saw Deena's comment and thought she was wrong, even if I did read all your post, I never got that you had...tell you alot about me and persevering!!! LOL

    Well done Lindsey, you know I love this card right!

    Nutty Peggyxo

  6. Oh, fun card!! What a lovely stamp that is and perfect coloring! And I love the snow you created!! Very nice!
    Hugs, Wendy

  7. 1) Does it show you how far behind I am in blog comments that I am just noticing your new blog change? Love the new look-that header looks great!

    2) Congrats on being a guest designer!

    3) Man, what a tricky challenge to start off your guest designing with, but you pulled it off wonderfully! I am in awe of your paper piecing diligence for all those birds! Love that sparkley embossed snow, too.

  8. OHHHH! That snow is GORGEOUS--love the shimmer! And that snowman--ACK! How CUTE is he with all those birds! I might have to make one with my images from PS---love love love!

  9. Wow, I would've been much more challenged by this challenge, that's for sure! Your card is just gorgeous -- from the birdies to the shimmery snow, it's so fun!

    Have a fun month!!

  10. Lindsey! This is one rockin' snowman card. I love the additions of the birdies. Big congrats on your GDT spot!

  11. I popped over there last night and saw your awesome guest designer card!! awesome! I love the way you added all the shimmer!! I have put the challenge and I'm hoping to play along ... once I finish these other cards I have due **wink, wink**

  12. Congrats on your GDT, Linds! What an adorable digi. I love your paper piecing and colouring! The torn and shimmered embossing makes wonderful snow.

  13. Yeah for you! Congrats on the GDT. That's a whole lot of paper piecing--um, wow! It was worth the effort, because the card is really cool. I love how you made the snow--very clever! I know what you mean about not stamping because of the risk...that happens to me all the time (the mess up part). I can't wait to see what you do this month!


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