
Monday, July 18, 2011

Poor Simon!

Earlier this month, I got to meet Emily, a fellow rubber-stamper and cardmaker. We've known each other online for about a year now, and it was fun to get together in real life. While we were visiting, we made a card for another stamping friend, Angela. Her new kitten, Simon, broke his leg and had to have surgery! How could we not make him a get well card?

We used a digital image from Pink Cat Studio. I let Emily work her Copic magic to colour the cat. We (okay, she) then wrapped some Twinery twine around his leg for a cast. My big contribution was stamping the Verve sentiment before we popped the image on the base. 
Please come back on Wednesday when I'm participating in a blog hop to celebrate the first birthday of Amber INK! You'll see lots of fun creations... and rumour is, there'll be prizes! 


  1. Super cute! Love the tag team cardmaking!

  2. What is this ridiculousness? A cat in a TOP HAT with a CANE because he has a CAST? The level of awesomeness in this card is so high, it must have been a result of wonder twin stamping powers!

  3. You two girls are just amazing! Love this image for a kitty get well, and the twine cast is marvey-los!

  4. It is too darn cute and you should combine forces more often if they result in such adorable cards!

    lisa a.

  5. You already know I love this card, but did you know that Simon does indeed love wearing his best suit and hat while doing so?
    Well, maybe not.
    But he is definitely one stylish kitty, and so is this card! He's recovering speedily indeed.
    Thanks again!

  6. Love this card, I know Emily for more than one year too now, so jealous you got to meet her in real life ;) Hugs Janna


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