
Friday, December 17, 2010

I won a prize on the AmberINK blog hop!

The awesome Julie at The Last Minute Crafter was nice enough to let me know I should check her blog... and when I did, I found out that I won a prize from the talented ladies at AmberINK!!! It was a fun blog hop... the participants were asked to create a seven course meal (seven procedures, techniques, etc.) for two (colours, that is). Lots of tasty (paper) dishes were created!
I did go shopping today... but it will be a few days, I think, before any finished products appear. Let me just give you a little sneak peek of cuteness...

Party Time!


  1. Par-tay! Way to win, Linds -- and such perfect timing, too! ;)

  2. Oohhh, I can't wait to see what you made with your winnings! :D

  3. Can't wait to see what you create! Congrats!


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